11. 10. 2018 | Novice

16. -18. oktober 2018 Avere e-mobility Conference; Bruselj, Belgija

AVERE E-mobility Conference 2018 will present the current state of affairs in the field of Electromobility, as well as a perspective on the future including policy making and industrial and scientific developments. The conferences and presentations will be inspirational, demonstrating best practices and visionary approaches by countries, cities and companies.
Science, business and government are working together at every level – to accelerate the growth of electric drive and to capitalise on its economic opportunities.
During the AEC conference, we will develop a shared vision of a European future for e-mobility.

12. - 13. nvember 2018 ECO MOBILITY 2018; Vienna, Austria

Eco-Mobility 2018 will provide an overview of

- strategies, activities and expected solutions for sustainable mobility systems in face of growing demand for transport in different regions of the world,

- on-going developments and research activities in the field of innovative propulsion systems.

The Eco-Mobility 2018 is an expert conference for industry, science and politics, subsidy donors, the press etc.
Like in the years before we invite leading representatives from industry, R&D as well as technology policy institutions reporting on the activities and strategies for the successful development and market introduction of advanced propulsion systems and fuels.

13. - 14. november 2018 Conference On Transport and Researche in the Danube Region; Ljubljana, Slovenia

This year conference focus is on batteries, which are in the very heart of the e-mobility. there will be two round tables, first will deal whit researche in the field of batteries and the second with the use of batteries in all different aspects of mobility.


Dodatne informacije: SRIP ACS+, Dunja Podlesnik, 01/ 236 17 35,

Avtomobilska industrija v Sloveniji prispeva okvirno 10% k bruto družbenemu proizvodu ter več kot 20 % k slovenskemu izvozu, vsi člani SRIP ACS+ pa, vključujoč vsa področja mobilnosti, prispevajo k bruto družbenemu proizvodu več kot 17 %.
Panoga ustvari 7,5 milijarde evrov letnih prihodkov. V slovenski avtomobilski industriji deluje več kot 100 dobaviteljev 1 in 2 nivoja in več kot 600 poddobaviteljev nižjih nivojev dobaviteljske verige. Poleg tega pa več kot 25 % vseh nagrajenih inovacij Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije izhaja iz avtomobilske industrije.


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